This summer I was contacted by the Victoria region Porsche Club of America president because a London music video producer was looking for an early 356 Speedster for an upcoming project. I was excited to learn it was going to be the new video and trailer for Burnaby, BC boy, singer Michael Buble! Filming was done on Kingsway in Burnaby, at night. I got to ride in the tow vehicle as they were filming my black Porsche 356 Speedster (photo above, foreground) on the back of a trailer with Michael Buble "driving" and singing his new song "Hold On." He is quite a down to earth, regular type guy and a big hockey fan! (he is one of the owners of the Vancouver Giants!) His new CD is "Crazy Love" ,great album includes new songs that MB wrote , really enjoy listen to his music, great guy and great music. Big Apple here we come, look out MSG!

Here I am with MB, note Speedster in back ground. Corner of Kingsway and Willington (Crystal Mall sign in back).
MB says "You and Me babie , let's go Kick Ass!" & GS says "What, here in Metrotown, Michael?"
"Nah.... the big apple, babie!"
Second pic: crazy smile on my face. Kind of goofy. Speedster looks "cool!"